Sunday, June 30, 2013



Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.


Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.


Apologies,  I am normally quite diligent with my trade reviews. A family illness prevented me from todays review.  The main concept is to focus of the first touch of each zone as the first touch into the zone has the highest odds of a tradeable rotation higher.  If you have any questions feel free to contact me at TRADENPERFORM@GMAIL.COM

Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Tonight I will do another video review of the market.  The feedback has been positive.   Remember,  the trade plan is only a portion of what a professional trader uses to stack chips.  I use multiple strategies, time frames & risk profiles to make everything come together.   I work very hard on the mental side of the game. If you would like to learn to make your own levels & develop the confidence to trade like a pro you may want to consider looking into my coaching services.  I charge a very reasonable $200 for the 1st three sessions & $125 an hour after that.   Both rates are very low, too low, and I will be raising them over time as I have in the past.  Most of all I hope these trade reviews show you a) you can trade with a high level of confidence if you know how to find good trade location & understand the odds of that trade working & b) that you can make a considerable amount of money day trading IF you have both the mental game, understanding of market structure & the discipline to let the market come to you.   Hope everyone banked today.  

PART 1:  http:/

Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

ES TRADE REVIEW 06-25-2013

I will be doing tonight's ES Review via video tonight as well.  I received a great deal of positive feedback.  I hope everyone did well.  I am testing different type of screen capture software,  unfortunately have not figured out how to use it yet so this will be in 3 parts tonight.  Hope everyone banked$$ today.  Links are below chart.   Remember,  all you need is one high odds trade to succeed.  Wash rinse repeat. 

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” 
― Sun TzuThe Art of War

Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Today I am trying something a bit different.  I am doing the trade review on video.  Depending on the response I may do more trade reviews in this manner.   I had to break it into 3 parts.   Would appreciate any feedback.  Links can be found below the charts.  

Video Links:  

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Anyone can trade like a pro.   If you would liked to be coached on how to move from churning your account or losing to making money feel free to contact me.   Good luck to all.  I hope everyone made $$ today.  

Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


ES opened in the 1591.75-93.75 WHITE ZONE.  The WHITE ZONE has a very special purpose as it sets up my highest odds trade and gives me an edge right off the open.  Since we opened below 1593.75 ( the top of the WHITE ZONE) the trade was to the short side.  Two points was easily attained & 4 points were possible prior to the second test of the zone.  

One must understand the having a high odds trade can make or break a career. Do the math using your own trading size,  if you hit 1 trade a day for 2 points every day, how long would it take you to build your account.    The WHITE ZONE accomplishes this task for me and then some.  Remember,  you only need one good trade.

In my approach to the markets, the idea is pretty strait forward.  The 1st touch of a zone.  Each subsequent touch reduces the odds of a successful counter rotation.  That does not mean you can not get it; 2nd touches are very tradeable.  The point is however,  to focus on the highest odds trades.  Day trading is about attacking when your opponent is in the weakest condition to defend and to take what is most easily given.  Two points imho is very easily given and where I focus the majority of my trades.

Once buyers were unable to push through the WHITE ZONE,  sellers grabbed control & would probably maintain control until the market became fairly extended towards Initial Support or beyond.

Now you as a trader have 2 lines of thinking you can follow.  1) I am going to look to trade both sides meaning I am going to take longs and shorts.  This is the most aggressive stance and can burn inexperienced or inflexible traders but can be very rewarding for traders who can remain fluid. 2) Recognize that your not that fluid and decide your only going to trade in direction of control until such time as we have a major reversal at an important point like Initial support or we have a major tick divergence or, as was the case Friday we hit a tick extreme of +1000 or more.

I actually prefer trading in the direction of control.  It often gives me the least amount of stress & the quickest rewards.  If you look at each zone as it was tested for the first time while moving up from a lower zone.  Almost every touch yielded 2+ points to the short side. A close examination of the zones while we were moving lower reveals that many did not get a rotation up on first touch while the first touch of each zone on the way back up did yield a successful rotation lower.  

If you want to be a successful day trader you have to know who has control and which time is the right time to challenge that control.  You challenge when the market is stretched,  when there is tick extreme or tick divergence.  Otherwise,  just trade with control.

This whole game is a crap shoot,  you have to put the odds in your favor if your going to win.

If you would like to learn more about trading like a pro & winning consistently, you can contact me at

Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


ES had a gap and go.  As I am still having a great deal of my time taken by a family members illness I am going over the major points of the day.

THE WHITE ZONE WAS 1609.50-1612.  The WHITE ZONE determines who has control; buyers above & sellers below.  The questions was not did sellers have actual control,  we had a huge gap down, there was clearly highly motivated sellers.  The question was which way to lean,  Unless buyers could push above 1612, sellers had the upper hand.   This tells you the down side rotations should be stronger than upside rotations & if your going to get long,  choose wisely and don't hang around too long.

If you will look at each zone,  the first push down into a zone provided a nice rotation up at almost every level even though sellers had control,  conversely,  pushes up were met with excellent shorting opportunities; particularly with the first touch of either side of the zone (front & back)

I pointed out that if we got tick divergence at about 9.30 am central time  that it would be a good set up.  At 940 am  ES reversed on tick divergence for a 6 point rotation higher.  Tick divergence again occurred right at the front of the 1190.50-1592.50 for a 10 point rotation up.

When the market is so stretched you have to look for opportunities for reversals.  

1601-1603 ZONE was big and when buyers were unable to push above the fate was sealed.

I pointed out that on the push up to the 1601-1603 zone I was selling in the money Binary Calls for downside exposure.  I was able to cover the calls for 5 bucks and they expired worthless.   Creativity and limiting risk is a big part of being a successful trader.  You have to look at all the ways you can ring the registrar within your frame work.

Finally I pointed out repeatedly through the coarse of the day,  can you imagine a big reversal?  The point isnt that I knew there would be a reversal.  I did not.  The point was I am open to the potability.   Mental flexibility is key.  You have to be able to imagine the possibilities and still be comfortable not knowing what will happen.

I hope that helps some traders out there.  Becoming a true pro requires a multi dimensional approach with discipline and  flexibility to see both sides of an opportunity.

Great crazy day.  So many good opportunities.  Hope everyone banked.  I know my coaching clients did well and that is very satisfying.

Goodnight.  More fun tomorrow.

Notice: This Blog & its contents are intended to be for educational purposes only & not to be construed as trading recommendations in any way. You should not follow anyone blindly. Trading Futures & Options on Futures involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions are subject to change at any time.