Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Below you will find two separate spread sheets. One that ended in early June of this year and a new one that started on Aug 30 of this year.  The intent of both spread sheets was to give a reasonable look at what consistent high odds trading can look like on a per contract traded basis.  Unfortunately I had a family member become very ill shortly after I started this blog in April and by June I was simply too slammed in my personal life to keep up with this public spreadsheet despite keeping the tracking down to the first trade of the day.  The new spread sheet starts on August 30 2013 and is a simplified version of my personal spread sheets.  The purpose again is to simply show what a high odds strategy well executed can look like on a per contract basis.  I will keep refining the spread sheet to keep it as simple as possible. This is a first run.  

As you can probably tell,  I am terrible at building spread sheets, but the trades should match all the tweets I have put out on Stock Twits.  Importantly,  I do not call all my trades publicly.  Most of my trades are for my benefit or the benefit of my coaching clients.  The results are not audited. In addition,  I would strongly caution against following me or anyone else blindly.  Having an understanding of an overall strategy is KEY to being successful if your following someone else and its preferable hat you have a trading method that you make your own.  That is the goal I have with every trader I coach.  The purpose is to guide down a path,  not to direct every step.  The path should lead to trading and financial independence, not dependence. These trades do fall in line with my basic premise of building a trading account & ultimately-personal wealth.  

1) all you need is 1 or 2 trades a day to build an account

2) you must have an identifiable edge and a strategy to exploit that edge. The strategy should encompass both capital management & structured exits. 

3)  you must have a  viable plan in place to increase trade size in a meaningful way as you successfully exploit your edge. The plan should be written and have safety valve for reducing size if and when performance falls below key metrics. 

4) What ever your edge and your rules surrounding that edge,  the trade and its perimeters should match your personality.  

That is it,  I am simply trying to show that consistency is available to anyone who wants it and is willing to put in the work. I am not rocket scientist and I am not the smartest guy in the room-far from it.  I am just a guy who has come to believe in wash, rinse, repeat.  Anyone can do it.   Please feel free to hit me with any questions you have.  Have a great day. 


LINK TO NEW SPREAD SHEET:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap5hOyO4ONQLdFpGTWh6UHkwaE5XaFF0QmQzMEZEeUE&usp=sharing


LINK:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap5hOyO4ONQLdEh4blB3aU81Smk0a1VBVFZZRnVqb2c&usp=sharing

Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you.


I am currently offering 3 coaching session for an introductory price of $200 for traders who are new/struggling/or simply looking to increase current performnce. I am serious about helping traders move from struggling to consistent. I have done this for many traders. I can help you do it too. You can email me at TRADENPERFORM@GMAIL.COM Testimonials can be found here: http://traderperformcoaching.blogspot.com/p/testamonials.html

Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Todays pre market prep video: 


I am currently offering 3 coaching session for an introductory price of $200 for traders who are new/struggling/or simply looking to increase current performnce.  I am serious about helping traders move from struggling to consistent. I have done this for many traders. I can help you do it too.  You can email me at TRADENPERFORM@GMAIL.COM Testimonials can be found here:  http://traderperformcoaching.blogspot.com/p/testamonials.html

Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I am currently offering 3 coaching session for an introductory price of $200 for traders who are new/struggling/or simply looking to increase current performnce.  I am serious about helping traders move from struggling to consistent. I have done this for many traders. I can help you do it too.  You can email me at TRADENPERFORM@GMAIL.COM Testimonials can be found here:  http://traderperformcoaching.blogspot.com/p/testamonials.html

Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential



I am currently offering 3 coaching session for an introductory price of $200 for traders who are new/struggling/or simply looking to increase current performnce.  I am serious about helping traders move from struggling to consistent. I have done this for many traders. I can help you do it too.  You can email me at TRADENPERFORM@GMAIL.COM Testimonials can be found here:  http://traderperformcoaching.blogspot.com/p/testamonials.html

Trading of securities, options and futures may not be suitable for everyone and involves the risk of losing part or all of your money. Commentaries are educational in nature and are designed to contribute to your general understanding of financial markets and technical analysis. Use it how you want and at your own risk. I am not a registered investment adviser. This information is a general publication that reflects my opinion and is not a specific recommendation to any one individual. You must consult your own broker or investment adviser for investment advice. Controlling risk through the use of protective stops is essential